In the media...
Mitch Lewis uses Art to Fight the Scourge of Genocide
"... His work is striking and emotional, the attenuated figures inspired by his determination to bring the power of art to bear against the horrors of genocide. He is a 2010 recipient of a Puffin Foundation Grant for his Darfur sculpture as well as being named a 'Darfur Hero' by the Save Darfur Coalition. ..."
Video - On Our Watch
Sculptor Aims to Raise Awareness of Genocide Through Art
HEMPSTEAD — Sculptor Mitch Lewis is the artist behind the exhibit "Toward Greater Awareness: Darfur and American Activism" at the Hofstra University Museum. Lewis says he is aiming to raise awareness about genocide happening in Africa and around the world. Lewis explains that when he was researching Africa, he was surprised to learn about the genocide in Darfur. He says he also realized that a lack of media coverage was allowing it to happen.
Posted on: Oct 6, 2012 |
"Art exhibits from Warhol to Picasso" includes Mitch Lewis, by Newsday, By STEVE PARKS [email protected]
Toward Greater Awareness: Darfur and American Activism (Hofstra University Museum, Emily Lowe Gallery, Hempstead, through Dec. 7). Sculptor Mitch Lewis' exhibit focusing on the region of Sudan scarred by humanitarian disasters has been organized in conjunction with the Oct. 16 presidential debate at,
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Toward Greater Awareness: Darfur and American Activism Artist TalkToward Greater Awareness: Darfur and American Activism Artist Talk at Hofstra University,
Artist Mitch Lewis gives a gallery talk in which he relates how he came to create art that responds to the worldwide problem of genocide. Find out more at |
Exhibit at Hofstra University
This exhibition – featuring large-scale sculpture by American artist Mitch Lewis – focuses on the genocide that occurred in Darfur and Sudan from 2003 to 2006, as well as the American response to the crisis. The artist states, “These works address the physical and psychological scars left on mankind by a culture of violence and brutality. My figures possess an otherworldly aura and communicate a sense of solitude and alienation. Yet I have infused each figure with a strength and dignity that intimates a hope for the future.”
Local sculptor launches 'Arts To End Genocide' awareness project
by Charlie Hall, Sun Journal
Mitch Lewis becomes part of the creative community with
Mitch began using his art to raise awareness and motivate social change when he became aware of the unspeakable brutality that is happening to innocent women and children in Darfur today.
"... I have infused each figure with a strength and dignity, and a promise of hope for the future."" – Mitch Lewis
2010 Launch of Exhibit
The Bank of the Arts features the exhibition of sculpture "Toward Greater Awareness" by Mitch Lewis addressing the genocide in Darfur.
Global Center sculpture exhibit calls attention to Darfur, By Sarah Haderbache | The Daily Tar Heel
Each of the sculptures depicts a different human figure. They are figurative interpretations of the atrocities in Darfur rather than literal depictions.
Laura Griest, manager of global events and exhibitions at the center, said that though the center often hosts art exhibits, this is the first that features sculpture.